6 Diet Plans That Are Super Effective Against Belly Fat

Belly fat; seems so easy to put on, but it can take a lot of effort to lose. Excess fat that accumulates in the abdomen is known as belly fat. There are two types of belly fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the one that is clearly visible on your body; it is just below the skin in a flat layer. Visceral fat is a bit more dangerous; it is fat that accumulates deep in your abdomen, around your organs. It is also metabolically active, releasing chemicals in your bloodstream that can cause severe chronic illnesses.

Belly fat is hard to lose; one of the main reasons for this is the resistance of visceral fat to weight loss. Another reason why belly fat is stubborn is its association with insulin resistance. As long as a body doesn’t regulate insulin and its effects on the body, the belly fat tends to stay. But nothing is impossible, certainly not losing belly fat. Here are some diet plans that have proven to be extremely effective against belly fat;

High Protein Diets

A high protein intake has been shown to support belly fat reduction significantly. Protein is a macronutrient that prevents you from feeling hungry and adding it to your meal and snacks can reduce untimely cravings. Maintaining a healthy muscle mass gives your body a higher resting energy expenditure. This means you will burn more calories even when your body is resting.

This type of diet is easy to implement, doesn’t involve excessive monitoring or restriction, and has a lot of evidence to support it. You can further couple high protein intake with 7 simple exercises to burn belly fat to maximize the impact. While this can be incredibly effective, everyone has different protein needs, so research your intake before you start this diet.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and beans. It is known to have tremendous benefits for cardiovascular health and weight management. Studies on groups of people undergoing the Mediterranean diet show that it is effective against obesity and helps maintain a smaller waist circumference. Another notable benefit of the Mediterranean diet is its protection against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer and the second most significant cause of death in men in the US.

IER Diet

Intermittent Energy Restriction is an umbrella term used for intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating, which are essentially the same things. In intermittent fasting, you restrict food intake to little or none for 16-48 hours. While in time-restricted eating, you limit your food intake to a window of 6-10 hours. There is countless evidence to support the fact that fasting improves insulin tolerance, blood pressure, and weight management.

IER is very effective against belly fat and unregulated blood sugar. Studies on people following intermittent fasting routines showed measurable results in reduced body fat. All of these factors can play an essential role in preventing the development of chronic diseases. On the note of chronic diseases, intermittent fasting may not suit everyone. Intermittent fasting is suitable for diabetes patients if they align their eating and fasting routine to their needs.

Low Carb Diets

Low-carb diets, such as the keto diet, have gained immense popularity recently. While not all low-carb diets are as restrictive as the keto diet, they have shown promising results for a person’s overall health. In a study of 34 older adults struggling with obesity were given a 10% carb-calorie diet for 8 weeks. The results of the study showed that the subjects had lost 3 times the visceral fat of an equivalent low-fat diet. If the low-carb diet plan sounds like something you want to try, here is a list of 15 low-carb foods.

Low-carb diets can be modified to have high or low carbs based on each person’s preferences. Low-carb diets are much easier to stick to in the long run, as they do not restrict many food categories.

The MIND Diet

The MIND diet is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. It is a diet specifically designed to generate resistance against neurodegeneration. The diet emphasizes foods like nuts, vegetables, fish, and berries for your brain’s health. Foods that are toxic to your brain are restricted, preventing neurological deterioration as much as possible.

The MIND diet has proven exceptionally effective in preventing chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Dementia but has also shown potency in weight loss. The MIND diet recommends foods with a high fiber content and olive oil, which is known for its weight management abilities. Other than helping with weight loss, the diet is successful in its goal of generating cognitive strength in older adults.

Vegetarian Diets

Vegetarian diets are very self-explanatory. They consist mainly of plant-based food sources like leafy green vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains. Some versions of the vegetarian diet also allow you to consume eggs and dairy. Vegetarian diets are strongly linked with maintaining healthy body weight and weight loss. Studies show that vegetarian diets contribute to weight management because of the smaller number of calories and the consumption of legumes and nuts. Vegetarian diets recommend restricting refined foods such as desserts and sweetened beverages.

These diets can be modified to each person’s preference and promote weight loss without monitoring calorie intake. Vegetarian diets can be rich in nutrients if appropriately planned.


If you have never considered the health risks of excessive belly fat, the information above may have alerted you. Not only is visceral fat harmful to you in your current situation, but letting it exist in your system increases the risk of several chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

Luckily, with proper dietary management and some physical activity, you can forget belly fat and all its potential health risks. The main goal is to find a diet plan that suits you and stick to it for the foreseeable future.

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