How to Maintain Weight Loss After a Gastric Balloon?

A gastric balloon offers a safe and highly effective way to lose weight without the need to undergo a surgical procedure.

However, with gastric balloons only being kept inside your stomach for a maximum of 6 months, how do you make sure you maintain your weight loss once it has been removed?

If you are worried about putting back on all the weight you lost from a gastric balloon, then the below blog is exactly what you need.

Read on to discover all the best tried and tested techniques to maintain weight loss after a gastric balloon.

Stay hydrated

Once your gastric balloon has been removed, it is vital that you stay hydrated and drink the recommended amount of water each day.

Water is essential for keeping your body in optimal condition and plays an important role in the digestion and absorption of food. Furthermore, many people think that they are hungry when in fact they are thirsty, so it is always a good idea to drink a glass of water before reaching for a snack.

It is worth knowing that you may experience hair loss after losing a lot of weight. If this is the case for you, then you can find out more about the best hair loss treatments here. 

Get enough fiber

Many people do not get sufficient fiber in their diet, which can cause a whole host of health problems, such as constipation and fatigue. Not getting enough fiber can also make you feel still hungry after finishing a meal.

To make sure you are getting enough fiber, focus on eating lots of whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables.

Eat more slowly

If you tend to eat your food really quickly, then this can lead to overeating. This is because it takes around 20 minutes for your brain to register that you feel full.

Therefore, if you want to make sure you do not overeat, you need to make a conscious effort to eat more slowly. Try chewing your food 32 times before swallowing, and make sure that you are savoring each bite.

Limit calories from drinks

When calculating their daily calorie intake, many people forget to include drinks in their tally, yet this can quickly add up. If you regularly consume sugary soft drinks or alcoholic beverages, then this could have a negative effect on your waistline.

Try to eliminate as many of these empty calories from your diet and instead fill up on water which can be flavored with fresh fruits and herbs such as mint, lemon, and orange.

Exercise daily

Although weight loss is around 80% diet and 20% exercise, if you want to maintain a healthy weight, then physical activity is a must.

If you don’t like sweating it out in the gym, there are so many other ways that you can get your recommended amount of weekly exercise. For example, you could go swimming, take up hiking or join a walking club. Even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator and getting off the bus a stop early can make a big difference.

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