Understanding Men’s Hormone Test Kits: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to keeping your sex life thriving, getting a good night’s sleep, or maintaining your muscular physique, you may be surprised to learn your hormones play a vital role in all of this and other aspects of your health. Because of this, it’s important that you test your levels of testosterone and other hormones to make sure they are not getting too low. To do this, you can use a test kit specifically designed for men’s hormones. To get the best test and know what to do once you get it, here’s all you need to know.

Tests are Extremely Accurate

If you’ve never used a hormone test kit before, you may be wondering about its level of accuracy concerning your testosterone levels or other hormone levels. As these tests have been modified over the years, they have become more and more accurate. A leading men’s hormone test kit can provide you with accuracy levels that will rival the tests you would be given in your doctor’s office. 

Blood Samples are Better than Saliva

Should you suspect that your levels of testosterone may be too low, it will be best for you to use a hormone testing kit that uses blood rather than saliva to test for low T. This is very important if you are concerned about your testosterone levels since a blood sample will be able to let you measure both your total and free testosterone levels. If you choose a test kit that relies on a saliva sample, you will only be able to measure your levels of free testosterone. 

Other Vital Hormones Get Measured

When you turn on the television, you no doubt see plenty of commercials about low testosterone. However, you don’t hear nearly as much about the other hormones you need to test for regularly to ensure their levels are also in the good range. By getting a test kit you can use in the comfort of your home, you can also test for hormones such as estradiol that play a significant role in keeping your sex drive strong, helping you avoid erectile dysfunction, and maintaining high levels of sperm production. 

Use Tests that Work with Accredited Labs

When you are looking over the array of test kits available today to test men’s hormones, don’t just take the first one you find. Instead, always make sure you select a test kit that works with accredited labs to ensure your results are completely accurate. It is always good to select a test kit that works with labs that are accredited by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). Known for having rigorous testing standards and requirements, this will give you much more confidence that your test results are as accurate as possible.

Plan on Fasting Before Your Test

If your primary focus is to test your levels of testosterone, make sure you plan to test yourself at a time when you have been able to fast about 12 hours before you do your test. This should be easy for you to do since a man’s testosterone levels always peak each morning between 7-10 a.m. in most cases. Thus, if you eat an early supper and then go to bed, fasting should be no big deal. Should you get thirsty along the way, most tests will allow you to drink as much water as possible while fasting.

They’re Easy to Understand

Hormone test kits for men are very easy to use and understand. When you open your kit, expect to find easy-to-understand instructions about how to collect your blood sample, how to package it in the bag you will send back to the lab, and how long it will take to get your results. Most test kits provide results within five business days, so you won’t have to wait long to find out if you’ve got low-T or other hormone troubles.

Bottom Line

Often costing less than $100, hormone test kits for men are becoming an increasingly popular way for men to stay on top of their health. If you want to make sure you know everything you can about your testosterone and other hormones, get a kit and test yourself as soon as possible.

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