Time’s Healing Touch: Do Scars Fade Over Time?

Most injuries sustained on the surface level of the skin heal perfectly well. However, deeper injuries leave behind scars that may compromise your self-confidence. 

Luckily, scars do fade or at least become visibly less noticeable over time with proper care and treatment. There are different types of treatments for scars that cause better collagen production which thickens the dermis layer making the scar seem faded, and improved blood flow promotes healing of the scarred tissues among others. You may also take oral medication or over-the-counter ointments to speed up the process too. 

Therefore, do not fret wondering do scars fade over time anymore- because they do! Stick to the end of this article to find out how and what to expect from these treatments. 

Possible Treatments to Remove Scar 

Scars are caused as a result of healing from sustaining a deep injury. Some people find these scars to be empowering while others find it to compromise with their confidence. Luckily, there are ways to conceal and treat them to promote fading. 

Here are possible treatments to remove scars over time – 

Laser Treatment 

Laser treatments are the most common forms of treatment to opt for when trying to conceal scars. There are quite a number of laser treatments available to choose from depending on your requirements. 

These treatments are ideal if you have deeply embedded scars that are resistant to oral medications and applicable creams. 

Of all the available scars removal treatments, laser treatment is known to cause the scar to close in on size and shrink noticeably and fade away in time. 

These treatments shoot beams of light that cause collagen production which is responsible for the well-being of the dermis layer that also shows the appearance of the scar. 

Although this is an effective way to treat scars, it is not permanent and will require multiple sessions in order to fade. 

Ointments, Topical Creams, And Lotions 

At this point, over-the-counter medications, ointments, creams, lotions, and topical solutions are widely available to help visibly reduce the appearance of scars and initiate the fading process. 

Whether your scar is caused by burns, surgical procedures, or an injury, it is likely that there is an over-the-counter ointment or topical cream available to help you with it. 

However, one must be aware of the fact that some may or may not benefit from these treatments as different people react to these treatments in different ways. 

Trying out such creams and lotions is highly recommended before opting for injectables, microneedling, or chemical peels as this is the most non-invasive procedure to cause fading of scars. 

It is ideal to continue these treatments for at least 2-3 weeks before you see any results as the ointments require to gradually penetrate deep into your skin from the surface. 

Most ointments, creams, lotions, and topical creams contain aloe vera, Vitamin C and E, silicone, and green tea, all of which are excellent ingredients to even out the skin tone while fading discolorations and scars. 


Dermabrasion is a medical/cosmetic procedure that is done to help reduce signs of aging, wrinkles, and fine lines, and ensures skin remains in place and tight. 

This procedure also ensures fading, or at least, visibly reducing discoloration, hyperpigmentation, patchiness, and scars too. Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and microneedling are all procedures that have become quite popular due to their ability to help achieve youthful, glowing, and even-toned skin. 

However, there are certain dos and don’ts to follow before and after getting these treatments to reduce the appearance of scars. These procedures cause a sanding-like effect on the topmost layer of the skin and cause micro punctures all over the surface. 

Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of your skin. As the punctures are created on the skin, collagen gets stimulated to work quickly to ensure proper healing of the skin. While the skin is healing, it also works by covering up and fading scars without any side effects. 

Steroid Injections 

Steroid injectables have become quite popular in terms of reducing the appearance of scars. Such injectables carry properties that allow them to break down the bonds shared between collagen fibers. Breaking down these collagen bonds can result in fading of scars on your skin and help minimize their appearance. However, fading of scars varies from person to person based on the type of scar you have and how long they have been there. 

Steroid injections such as cortisone are known to visibly reduce and soften the appearance of scars, discoloration, and signs of aging. It is also known to cause the scar to shrink in size and appear smaller. 

Cortisone is known to be very well effective on certain types of scars such as keloids and hypertrophic. However, other types of injectables include derma fillers and collagen that are used to fill in the area around a deeper scar and soften them visually. 

Collagen Supplements 

Collagen is the structural protein on the skin that ensures your skin remains tight, firm, healthy, and visibly clear. It is also very well known for healing the dermis layer and ensuring it remains healthy and glowing. 

For people with stubborn scars that just won’t fade, you can opt for additional collagen supplements if the natural production of collagen in your body is not helping with your scar. 

These collagen supplements are widely available in varying forms. Whether you prefer to consume your supplement with your drink mixed in with powdered collagen, or capsules, or orally consume it as a pill, there is an option for you. 

The dermis layer on the skin can be healed and strengthened by boosting your collagen production. This makes the layer of the skin more thicker and elastic, both of which contributes to initiating fading of scars. 

Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels concentrated at 30%-50% are the best options to stick to if you want to visibly reduce the appearance of your scar from the surface. Such chemical peels are strong enough to cause exfoliation from deep within the pores and clean them thoroughly. 

Such exfoliation causes the reformation of new skin which naturally triggers fading of scars and hyperpigmentations. 

This means, once the uppermost layer of the skin with the discoloration and scar is peeling off due to the acids and ingredients from the chemical peels, the newer skin is going to have a minimally faded appearance of the scars and hyperpigmentation. 

However, fading of scars through chemical peels depends immensely on how deep your scar is and its location. You may require anywhere from 3-6 chemical peel sessions in order to achieve clearer and scar-free skin over time. 

How Red Light Therapy Helps to Fade Scar?

Red light is the best form of treatment when it comes to youthful skin regeneration without compromising its health. It is a safe, non-invasive, and reliable form of treatment that helps to fade scars and other forms of skin issues. 

The beams of red light are emitted to the surface of the skin which causes deep penetration of multiple layers underneath the skin where the discoloration or scars may be located. This light triggers better collagen production of the skin and improves blood flow significantly which helps reduce the appearance of the scar. 

Certain cells are able to better absorb the light which causes them to work better and reduces oxidative stress, all of which helps reduce the appearance of scars and discolorations. Inflammations are also tackled by red light therapy as the blood flow improves and minimizes the swelling. 

Bottom Line 

Scars left behind after sustaining a deep injury can be quite stubborn to get rid of. These scars can be the gap between an injured tissue with the newer tissue to initiate the healing process. There’s no one way for scars to appear based on your injuries. Some are on the surface while others are deeply embedded underneath multiple layers of tissues. 

However, if you’re wondering do scars fade over time, then the answer to that is yes. With proper care and medication, most scars do heal just fine naturally. That said, if your scar causes you to be insecure about yourself and hinders your confidence, then there are many treatments to help you overcome these issues. 

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